Monthly Archives: August 2014

Time management and the lack there of

Undertaking this masters degree has provided me with many challenges which have tested me and provided me with opportunities to see where my weaknesses, professional and in many cases personal, lie. I think it’s fair to say that those who do best at part-time degrees while also maintaining a job are those with the strongest time management skills. I have found it difficult over the second year of this programme in particular to find the time this level of study requires. Professionally I’ve never been busier nor have I ever been happier at work. Also personal relationships don’t care if you have to write a few hundred words this weekend. It’s an area I’ve found myself lacking in and one that I find myself most preoccupied with addressing as this period of study draws to a close. It has also provided me with personal insight into the challenges of further education. Increasingly people are choosing postgraduate degrees to supplement their qualifications and progress professionally. Fully understanding the level of commitment required is essential to a successful academic experience and one that elearning will increasingly play a role in from a education provider’s perspective.